Apache Azkaban with Postgresql
Running Apache Azkaban with Postgresql was a blocker for us that made us think about switching to Airflow(not planned so quick). I will cover the following topics explaining how we were able to run Azkaban with Postgresql -
- Problem Statement
- What did we do?
- Resources for quick reference
Problem Statement
We were gladly using Azkaban with MySQL for quite some time and then came the requirement to have Postgresql and
We were left with 2 options, either bring our own Scheduler or introduce support with Airflow. Both were asking a good amount of time.
What did we do?
Then we searched Google and landed on this pull request (hot candidate to get merged in master) by mactaggart.
I forked the repo, get the code from the branch postgres-backend, build the docker image, did some configurations, and boom, it worked
Some points to know:
- This version of Azkaban does not support the single executor mode
- You need to activate the executor(at least I had to do it every time the Azkaban pod restarts)
Docker Image: Create your docker image from README.md of repo
Configuration (under conf directory)
A. In the executor and web configuration, add/update the below properties
B. In the web configuration set the below property to true
C. Execute all the Postgresql tables from https://github.com/mactaggart/azkaban/blob/postgres-backend/azkaban-db/src/main/sql/create.quartz-tables-all-postgresql.sql
Note: Please use the base image for your docker image considering the vulnerability
Resources for quick reference
Pull request — https://medium.com/r/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fazkaban%2Fazkaban%2Fpull%2F2472
Code for build — https://medium.com/r/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmactaggart%2Fazkaban%2Ftree%2Fpostgres-backend
Docker Image — https://github.com/sunilkrg/AzkabanWithPostgresqlDocker
Please comment if you find any difficulty, I would be happy to help.